New South Wales  local needs and challenges

In the transition to a water sensitive Greater Sydney, a number of local needs and challenges must be addressed which were identified and characterised by industry stakeholders in a workshop held in 2015.

NSW needs to strive to influence water sensitive outcomes through leadership, collaboration, and networks; to build community connection and engagement to create a culture of learning and innovation.

Translating and sharing knowledge of a common vision and pathway are essential to building the capacity required for making Greater Sydney's water sensitive future for  a reality.

To develop water sensitive on-ground practises, we need to ensure multiple benefits can be realised through integrated planning and design of water systems and the urban form. We need to provide guidance on how to develop solutions and asset management regimes that are appropriate for local conditions and contexts; to support the use of integrated monitoring and evaluation processes to improve system design; and create more efficient and effective operations and maintenance systems.

We recognise the need for a shared vision and a narrative of a water sensitive region that connects with community values and drives decision-making. We need new financial models and incentives that recognise the values and benefits of a water sensitive city. We need to strengthen and align policy, legislation, and regulation in support of a water sensitive future, to enable coordination and collaboration across agencies and sectors.

Last updated: 6th Dec 2017