Value the non-market benefits of your water sensitive project
The Value Tool gives practitioners a way of valuing the benefits of water sensitive projects that are not traded in markets, such as the social and environmental benefits.
Obtaining a monetary value for non-market benefits is complex, and ideally requires conducting a primary non-market valuation study, which can be expensive and time-consuming. But if you don’t have the time or the resources to conduct a primary study, the Value Tool can provide a reasonable approximation of the non-market benefits associated with an investment.
This comprehensive Excel-based database contains 2000+ non-market values of water sensitive systems and practices.
It is part of the Investment Framework for Economics of Water Sensitive Cities (INFFEWS) economic evaluation package, which also includes the Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) Tool.

Interested in using the Value Tool? Send us an email.
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Where to find more information
You’ll find more information about benchmarking your city on the following pages:
Useful resources
- Investment Framework for Economics of Water Sensitive Cities
- INFFEWS Value Tool guideline
- Constructing a business case for water sensitive investments – a guideline for local government
- BCA Tool – booklet of applied examples
- Key insights for users of INFFEWS
- INFFEWS worked example - Princes Park Stormwater Harvesting
The Value Tool offers a comprehensive spread of values
The Value Tool has over 20 different benefit types, with a spread of values available, including ecological improvement and biodiversity, reduced recurring costs, improved security of water supply, reduced morbidity/improved heat from extreme heat, and improve aesthetics.
Other features include:
- up-to-date values related to water sensitive projects in Australia
- easy-to-use filters and search functions to identify relevant values
- supporting information about the source of the value and details of the method used
- level of robustness of the original study
- direct weblinks and full citation of all original studies.
The Value Tool guideline explains how to adapt existing non-market value for use in another context. The guideline provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the tool, and demonstrates the tool in action via a worked example.
The guideline also offers a brief overview of non-market valuation methods and benefit transfer techniques.
You'll find a worked example, including how to apply values from the Value Tool in the following report: INFFEWS worked example - Princes Park Stormwater Harvesting.
And if you have any questions, you can email us at