Sydney Transition Strategy (IRP1-TS4)

There is currently a desire for an agreed, consistent vision outlining the role of water in providing sustainable, resilient, and productive city outcomes across New South Wales and especially Greater Sydney. Because of this desire and commitment from local stakeholders, Sydney will undergo a preliminary process to develop a benchmark of Sydney's current water sensitive performance, a vision of Sydney as a future water sensitive city, and strategies for achieving the vision.
Further details on the workshop series can be found below.
Workshop 1 was held on Monday 31 July 2017 and focused on benchmarking Greater Sydney's current water sensitive performance using the WSC Index tool. Up to 50 stakeholders across Sydney's water, planning, and development sectors attended the workshop and scored each of the goals and indicators.
Workshop 2 was held on Monday 14th August 2017. It began by exploring Greater Sydney's water story by building a collective timeline. The next activity discussed the future drivers of climate change, urbanisation, population growth and globalisation and the direct impacts in Sydney. The afternoon explored different future scenarios for Greater Sydney and began to develop a 50 year water sensitive city vision. 28 stakeholders across Sydney's water, planning, and development sectors attended the workshop and engaged in the visioning activity.
Workshop 3 was held on Thursday 21st September 2017. It focused on validating and refining the preliminary vision and developing priority objectives and high level strategies for achieving the vision. Up to 25 stakeholders across Sydney's water, planning, and development sectors attended the workshop and engaged in the refinement process and transition strategy activity.
For further information, refer to the following reports: