Current Water Sensitive Performance

Performance against the goals of a water sensitive city

Bendigo’s water sensitive performance was benchmarked using the WSC Index in October 2017, at workshop attended by 36 industry participants.

Bendigo achieved it’s strongest result for the goal of Achieve equity of essential services (4.0/5.0). Areas for improvement included Improve ecological health (2.0/5.0) and Ensure quality urban space (2.2/5.0).

Bendigo has high amenity and liveability values along with good access to water-related green infrastructure assets. New developments are incorporating water sensitive urban design (WSUD) features, but WSUD is lagging in established suburbs.

Achieving city–states

Bendigo’s results against the 6 city–states highlights its strong performance in providing basic services. It has equitable water supply and sanitation services that are safe, secure and affordable (100% Water Supply City and Sewered City). The community is also protected against floods (100% Drained City).

Bendigo also performs well in providing environmental sustainability services (82% Waterways City). The most scope for improvement relates to using water to increase resilience (31% Water Cycle City) and liveability (8% Water Sensitive City).

The city’s Water Cycle City rating could be increased by government, business and the community co-managing water systems to facilitate access to water sources at local scales as part of an integrated system. Indigenous knowledge is important to water system planning and management in Bendigo, and the Dja Dja Wurrung Traditional Owner group is actively involved in water management.

The Water Sensitive City rating could be improved by creating more green infrastructure and urban habitat to support biodiversity.

Change strategy: how to become more water sensitive

Research relevant to Bendigo

Last updated: 6th Jan 2022