The Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities’ current term expires on 30 June 2021. It is now time to look ahead and plan our next steps in revolutionising urban water management and transforming our cities into liveable, resilient, sustainable, productive places—water sensitive cities, where people want to live and work.
We began our mission in 2012 and have much to celebrate
Working with our 80+ partners across two tranches of research and adoption activities we have:
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But there is still more to do …
As we look beyond 2021, we know there will be more to do to:
- ensure Australia remains a global leader in urban water collaboration, research and application
- build on progress made relating to the institutions, regulations, technical tools and industry networks necessary to scale up and lock in water sensitive practices
- continue to challenge the status quo and support city transitions with science-based advocacy.

We envisage a third wave of research and adoption activities
We want to identify and understand the issues that will shape our future cities, the action need to respond to those issues and how Integrated Urban Water Management can contribute.
Discussions with our stakeholders confirm there is an appetite for us to do more.
Our Water Sensitive Cities Institute is one option for a post-2021 entity. Drawing on the CRCWSC’s knowledge, expertise and experience, the Institute provides commercial consulting services under the our flagship research synthesis strategy.
- Our clients receive context-specific, fit-for-purpose solutions to their urban water management challenges. They also build their in-house knowledge and capacity, as an enduring legacy of each project.
- Our commercial Participants and SME associates—as our project partners—have new pathways to markets.
A new CRC entity is another option. The proposed Transformative Cities CRC wants to unlock the full potential of Australian cities and towns, harnessing the power of water to deliver:
Find out more at the Transformative Cities CRC website.
The Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities – Impact to Date, Future Potential
Ernst & Young (EY) were engaged by The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities to identify opportunities for future impact in relation to a proposed The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities’ transition planning activities.
The analysis indicates the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities is delivering significant impact and can lead the next big step towards sustainable, resilient, productive, liveable cities by building on this success while applying expertise across integrated city systems.
Click here for full report.