New potential water and energy initiatives are finding traction in the South Bank business precinct, a prime lifestyle and culture destination in the city of Brisbane, Queensland.

Previously, the precinct underwent the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC)’s signature, facilitated Research Synthesis process aimed at generating ideas towards a central question: what are the best ways to improve sustainability in the South Bank precinct?

In March 2017, stakeholders for the precinct met to move forward with major ideas, supported by presentations from CRCWSC Regional Manager (QLD), Chris Tanner, and from Sally Boer, Director of Partner organisation E2DesignLab.

Among a number of options now being progressed by South Bank’s Sustainability Action Group, momentum is sitting with several initiatives in particular, including:

  • Actively seeking ways to better manage food waste
  • Reducing energy – in line with a workshopped target of 20% energy reduction target by 2020
  • Pursuing the concepts of green spines and outdoor cool zones – with South Bank Parklands looking to activate a landscape architecture project to explore the idea of moveable shade structures as pop-up solutions for urban heat.

Such priorities align with the ideas and specific solutions outlined in the "Ideas for South Bank" document: a summary that synthesises the potential water and energy initiatives contributed by stakeholders, drawn together in light of the latest water, energy, and sustainable cities research.

With the economics of implementing green innovations only becoming more favourable over time, such ideas will become increasingly feasible for organisations and groups keen to identify and implement better ways to become more sustainable and more water sensitive.

The Ideas for South Bank report is one of several examples of the CRCWSC’s Research Synthesis process, which is available to industry, councils, and more. To access the report, see:

The Research Synthesis process is a facilitated process geared to foster genuine, innovative thought, interagency relationships, and specific solutions for industry. To learn more about it, see:

Last updated: 18th Apr 2017