What is the Water Sensitive Cities RESTORE Tool?
The Water Sensitive Cities RESTORE Tool is a prioritisation tool that assists managers with their on ground efforts for the restoration of urban waterways. The tool should be used to assist managers in decision-making around which type of restoration efforts are likely to deliver the best ecological return for this site. It is encouraged that managers use landscape-level planning (e.g. zonation) to guide prioritisation across an urban region first and then use the RESTORE Tool once the sites have been decided. Please note that the tool is a currently a beta version.
How does the RESTORE Tool work?
The tool prioritises the 9 ecosystem components using three criteria:
- natural importance to ecological health
- level of stress/degradation
- potential for recovery into the future
The output from the RESTORE Tool will identify which ecological components are a priority for repair.
Managers will then decide which on ground actions are needed to be implemented to restore the priority ecological components. Effort should not be spent repairing components that are relatively unimportant, relatively intact, or have little potential to be repaired over the short or long term.
Please see the factsheets to guide the repair (or design) of the 9 ecological components, which aim to summarise various strategies and actions that can be implemented at the site or catchment area to improve the ecological function of a given ecosystem component.
Please provide your comments and feedback to Samantha Lemons, Research Portfolio - Manager. A record of who has obtained a copy of the beta version will be kept and we may contact you for your feedback.
Please note that this tool is currently a beta version, for internal research, testing, evaluation and feedback purposes only.
Terms and Conditions
- You cannot publish any results using this beta version of the Tool.
- You cannot share or distribute these files to anyone without permission from the CRCWSC