The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) hosted a high-profile delegation from Hunan province last Friday, strengthening the CRCWSC’s ties with the southern Chinese region.

CRCWSC CEO Professor Tony Wong and International Engagement Manager Jianbin Wang met with the Hunan delegation on 24 July to continue previous discussions on potential CRCWSC input into Chinese water policy formulation and a new incubator township to showcase water management in the province.

Jianbin also provided the delegation with a tour of water sensitive urban developments in south-eastern and inner Melbourne.

The CRCWSC has established relationships with the ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Water Resources Research and Development Centre and Hunan Department of Science and Technology as part of increasing ties with Chinese cities.

The Melbourne visit followed on from a meeting with an Australian embassy delegation on 16 June in the Hunan capital, Changsha. As Australia is a key member of the ASEM Water Centre, it is hoped the Commonwealth Government will contribute capital and knowledge towards the development of the incubator development. CRC will work with Australia Water Partnership to profile Australian urban water management knowledge and strengthen the bilateral collaboration through the ASEM platform.

Last updated: 28th Jul 2015