Winners of applied benefit cost analysis scholarships
What do Millie Wells (Whitehorse City Council), Thomas Sinclair (Cooks River Alliance), Celeste Morgan (E2Designlab), Melissa Sartori (Yarra Valley Water) and a representative from GHD have in common?
They each received a fully funded place on a new online course about Applied Benefit: Cost Analysis (BCA), developed by Professor David Pannell, creator of INFFEWS and member of the CRCWSC’s Integrated Research Project 2 (Comprehensive economic evaluation framework).
The course, which starts this week, provides a highly engaging, practical learning experience, based on David’s decades of experience conducting BCAs, developing BCA tools and delivering BCA training courses. The course will deepen participants’ knowledge of BCA and further raise their skill level.

These training scholarships were part of a national expression of interest process open to all CRCWSC partner organisations. We received more applications than there were places available. The winning recipients had to explain how completing the course will help them and their organisations achieve their water sensitive visions.
“In the context of tight council budgets, skills in Benefit Cost Analysis will strengthen my ability to inform Council’s Executive Team about financial benefits and costs, and help them understand why to take on a Water Sensitive Cities approach”, said Millie Wells (Senior Environmental Advisor, Whitehorse City Council).
“The course is an ideal opportunity for me to reinforce our [Cooks River Alliance] collective skillset as an organisation (and catchment)”, said Thomas Sinclair (Senior Catchment Officer with the Alliance). “It will help the Cooks River Catchment to become an archetype for the transformation of a highly urbanised catchment into a thriving and thought-leading water sensitive city.”
If you’d like more information about David’s Applied Benefit: Cost Analysis online course, click here.
And if you’d like to find out more about the CRCWSC’s Benefit Cost Analysis Tool, sign up for the Economics training session at the 5th Water Sensitive Cities Conference. You can find our more information here.