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172 results found
Cities as water supply catchments – Economic evaluation (Project A1.1)
Understanding social processes to achieve water sensitive futures (Project A2.1)
Strategies for influencing the political dynamics of decision-making (Project A3.3)
Images that engage communities with Water Sensitive Cities
Adoption guidelines for stormwater biofiltration systems: Cities as water supply catchments – sustainable technologies
Water biofiltration is the process of improving water (stormwater and wastewater) quality by filtering water through biologically influenced media.
Water Sensitive Cities Index
Adoption guidelines for stormwater biofiltration systems – Summary report
The value of restoring urban drains to living streams
CRCWSC Industry Note (2015): What is the best mix for our urban water supply?
Social-technical flood resilience in water sensitive cities — quantitative spatio-temporal flood risk modelling (Project B4.1)
CRCWSC Industry Note (2014): Valuing stormwater management: Who is willing to pay?
There are many characteristics that impact a person’s willingness to pay for public goods. Willingness to pay for environmental services, such as stormwater quality improvement or cooler temperatures in suburbs, varies significantly across households with different incomes. Insights on community preference and the value placed on various environmental strategies are helping to inform decisions on project
investment and policy design.