Managed aquifer recharge
Managed aquifer recharge is the process of recharging an aquifer under controlled conditions in order to store water for later abstraction for a particular use. MAR is a useful practice, with aquifers able to act as both a storage and source for local alternative water supply for fit-for-purpose uses. Injecting treated stormwater into aquifers can replenish water levels for later use, whilst diverting excess stormwater flows from entering creeks and rivers which have damaging effects to waterways.

Kalamunda MAR
Western Australia
The Hartfield Park Managed Aquifer Recharge project in the Shire of Kalumunda involves the recharge of an aquifer under controlled conditions in order to store water for
later abstraction for irrigation use.
Waterproofing the West
South Australia
A region wide system that harvests, treats and stores stormwater and distributes recycled water through western Adelaide, sustaining a growing economy and enhancing the natural environment. The project will result in sound water management and will treat and inject up to 2,400ML of recycled water each year.
Salisbury Alternative Water Scheme
South Australia
Non-drinking water in the City of Salisbury is called ‘Salisbury Water’ and is a mix of treated stormwater and native groundwater which is used to irrigate parks, reserves, schools as well as used in industry and for toilet/garden use in some new residential developments. Collection, storage and distribution of the water uses constructed wetlands, Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) and over 150km of ‘purple pipe’ distribution network across the City.