Creating impact for government and industry
Since its inception, the CRCWSC set out to guide capital infrastructure investments of more than AUD $100 billion by the Australian water sector, and more than AUD $550 billion of private sector investment in urban development.
We support the transition to water sensitive cities by:
- developing knowledge across a wide range of topics and disciplines;
- integrating and synthesising this knowledge into practical, targeted solutions for government, private industry, and the community; and
- influencing and informing key players who shape and manage our cities and urban places.
We help deliver practical and innovative solutions for industry questions such as:
- How to strengthen and align policy and regulation, and create inclusive governance models that support a water sensitive city?
- How to use innovative economic and financial models to recognise all the benefits and costs of a water sensitive city?
- How to build a connected community with a shared water sensitive city vision?
- How to make robust and sound investment decisions?
- How to strategically design and plan a water sensitive city with a growing population, changing land use, and increased community expectations?
- How to design, implement, and maintain locally relevant and cost-effective water and waterway systems to deliver optimal performance with minimal risk?
- How to facilitate a culture of leadership, learning, and innovation?
Based on government and industry feedback, we have prioritised four areas of impact aimed primarily at state and local government (including water corporations), private industry, and – by extension – the broader community. These four areas of impact are focused on:
- influencing policy;
- engaging communities;
- designing water sensitive cities; and
- benchmarking and making decisions.