Water sensitive streets and carparks
Water sensitive solutions in streets and carparks typically include passively irrigated trees, raingardens and permeable pavements. The opportunity for improvement in the streetscape is significant, given that streets form such a significant portion of urban development. Streetscape solutions provide the opportunity to treat stormwater close to the source, improve tree health and amenity, mitigate the impacts of the urban heat island, and reduce excess stormwater entering waterways.

Randolph Avenue Streetscape Upgrade
South Australia
Inclusion of raingardens in a road environment in Adelaide to improve amenity and improve urban stormwater quality.
Kings Square Raingardens
Western Australia
As part of the Kings Square development’s approach to sustainability, a network of raingardens were incorporated into the streetscape design to provide stormwater treatment, protect sensitive groundwater systems that flow into the nearby Swan River, improve the long term health of street trees, and enhance amenity.
Dubbo Urban Heat Island Amelioration Project
New South Wales
Increasing urban canopy cover in an area of high heat exposure with a vulnerable population to mitigate heat, treat stormwater, improve local amenity and adapt to climate change.
Kunshan Ring Road Case Study
Kunshan is a polder city (a piece of land in a low-lying area that has been reclaimed from a body of water by building dikes and drainage canals) with many canals and waterways which can have poor water quality in some areas.