Amenity and urban greening
Water sensitive solutions often have the potential to support urban greening, canopy cover, and integration of water which contributes to visual amenity in an urban area. The provision of green space contributes to human health and well-being, by supporting mental health, encouraging physical activity and enhancing connections with nature.

One Central Park Green Walls
Large green walls integrated into building design and irrigated with recycled water.
Bannister Creek Living Stream
Western Australia
Naturalisation of a local creek produced demonstrated ecological and amenity benefits that led to an increase nearby property prices.
Greening the Pipeline
Greening the pipeline is a project that aims to celebrate and utilise the now disused Melbourne Outfall Sewer corridor which runs through western Melbourne. Gradual greening of the corridor and creation of pocket parks at crossing points is connecting communities and enhancing recreation.
White Gum Valley
Western Australia
An infill development in Freemantle that demonstrates a water sensitive approach at all scales, with smart monitoring of on-lot systems, communal groundwater network for garden irrigation and an infiltration basin transformed into a public park.
Salisbury Alternative Water Scheme
South Australia
Non-drinking water in the City of Salisbury is called ‘Salisbury Water’ and is a mix of treated stormwater and native groundwater which is used to irrigate parks, reserves, schools as well as used in industry and for toilet/garden use in some new residential developments. Collection, storage and distribution of the water uses constructed wetlands, Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) and over 150km of ‘purple pipe’ distribution network across the City.
Enhancing Our Dandenong Creek program
A collaborative approach with the local community resulted in a series of works to the urban waterway, including daylighting of a piped section of the creek.
Dubbo Urban Heat Island Amelioration Project
New South Wales
Increasing urban canopy cover in an area of high heat exposure with a vulnerable population to mitigate heat, treat stormwater, improve local amenity and adapt to climate change.
Glenelg to Adelaide Pipeline (GAP)
South Australia
The Glenelg to Adelaide pipeline delivers a reliable climate independent water supply to irrigate open space in western and central Adelaide.
Wanyarram Dhelk—Bendigo Creek restoration
Wanyarram Dhelk—which means Good Waterhole in Djaara language—aims to improve the water health of the Bendigo Creek and its tributaries.
Green walls, roofs and facades in the City of Melbourne
New South Wales
The project aims to create 10 hectares of green infrastructure by 2021, to support a prosperous, healthy, cool and liveable city.
Marrickville West Primary School eco water garden
This project involved diverting water from a council drain into the grounds of Marrickville West Primary School, filtering it and then harvesting it to create a green space for the school and the local community.
Queensland Children’s Hospital therapeutic landscapes
The multi-award-winning Queensland Children’s Hospital is Australia’s largest paediatric hospital and the largest capital investment in children’s health in Queensland’s history.