We’ve launched our new look Knowledge Platform
We designed the new Knowledge Platform to make it simple to search and find what you need. In a waterSENSE article last month, we explained the 5 main ways to find what you are looking for:
- Choose a topic from the ‘water wheel’
- Go straight to a tool (select ‘Tools’)
- Go straight to a case study (select ‘Case Studies’)
- Search for a resource (select ‘Resources’)
- Use the guided questions (‘Not sure what you’re looking for?’).

Here’s what you’ll find via the CRCWSC Legacy section of the website (under the burger menu in the top left corner):
About the CRCWSC: This page summarises our vision and mission to create water sensitive cities.
Our research focus 2012–2016: This is our Tranche 1 research, which comprised 4 programs. You’ll find descriptions of all the programs, and links to their outputs.
- Program A (Society): How do our culture, institutions, and human systems affect the adoption of new ideas and innovation?
- Program B (Water sensitive urbanism): How will changes in our natural environment impact on and affect how we plan and build our cities?
- Program C (Future technologies): What technologies and information are needed to support delivery of water sensitive cities?
- Program D (Adoption pathways): What are the range and appropriate mix of interventions to translate research and knowledge into practice?

Our research focus 2016–2021: This is our Tranche 2 research, which comprised 5 integrated research projects (IRPs) and the Tools and Products sub-program. You’ll find descriptions of all these projects, and links to their outputs.
- Water sensitive city visions and transition strategies (IRP1) developed water sensitive visions, transition strategies and implementation plans for 6 Australian cities: Adelaide (SA), Bendigo (Vic), the Gold Coast (Qld), Perth (WA), Sydney (NSW) and Townsville (Qld). This project demonstrates the process for creating visions, transition strategies and implementation plans using CRCWSC tools and processes.
- Comprehensive economic evaluation framework (IRP2) created a framework that identifies economic, environmental and community value of water-related investments. The framework can be used for business case development and decision making at multiple levels in public and private sector organisations.
- Guiding integrated urban and water planning (IRP3) developed a framework and principles that guide the integration of urban and water planning. Case studies demonstrate how the framework has been applied in different settings and contexts.
- Water sensitive outcomes for infill developments (IRP4) developed water sensitive building typologies and a framework for assessing their effects on the water cycle. Case studies demonstrate how the typologies can be adapted and applied in different settings and contexts, and assesses their water sensitive performance.
- Guiding urban water management in areas that experience high seasonal groundwater (IRP5) developed guidance about managing urban water in developments impacted by high groundwater (that is, where the water table is within 4 m of the natural ground surface).
- Tools and Products (TAPs) developed user-friendly software-based tools that allow practitioners to adopt and apply CRCWSC outputs.

You’ll also find a link to all our News and Events items and a link to the Legacy homepage.
Head to our website and look around. We are still working on it and would love to hear whether there’s anything you can’t find or would like to see added. There’s a feedback form here. Or you can email us directly at admin@crcwsc.org.au.