Water sensitive city visions and transition strategies (IRP1)

This project aimed to deliver a suite of methods and tools for developing strategic guidance to cities and towns wanting to accelerate and build momentum for the transition towards their envisioned water sensitive future. The project developed water sensitive city visions and transition strategies for five case study regions across Australia: Greater Perth, Bendigo, Townsville, Sydney, and Adelaide. The strategies build on the foundations of a shared vision, informed by a thorough analysis of the current regional context and future drivers, and in some case studies are supported by a feasible implementation plan. These strategies were developed through a series of workshops with a wide number of industry stakeholders along with members of the local Regional Advisory Panels.
The project builds on and utilises previous CRCWSC research that developed an envisioning process (Project A4.2 Mapping Water Sensitive City Scenarios), community engagement strategies (Project A2.3 Engaging Communities with Water Sensitive Cities) and the Water Sensitive Cities Index tool (Project D6.2 Developing a Water Sensitive Cities Index Tool). It involved close collaboration between research and industry partners to ensure the project outcomes directly influence the policies and activities of local stakeholder organisations in order to catalyse and accelerate their city's transition to its desired water sensitive future.
For further information on the research project, please refer to the attached document or presentation. If you have further questions or concerns please contact Katie Hammer at katie.hammer@monash.edu.
National Project Steering Committee
- Shelley Shepherd - Urbaqua (WA)
- Greg Ingleton - SA Water (SA)
- Phill Birtles - Sydney Water (NSW)
- Warren Traves - GHD (QLD)
- Chris Manning - Townsville City Council (QLD)
- Elliot Stuart - Department of Environment, Land, Water, & Planning (VIC)
- Christine Grundy - Coliban Water (VIC)