Climate change mitigation


Mitigating climate change impacts is critical as our cities continue to grow and develop, to help provide liveable, resilient and sustainable urban environments. CRCWSC research has considered practical approaches including building flood resilience, understanding urban heat and cooling with green infrastructure.

Uncertainty about the magnitude and timing of future climate change impacts is challenging for conventional planning processes. Given this, CRCWSC research emphasises the importance of adaptive planning and mainstreaming actions that address climate risks.

Our research on mitigating climate change impacts has identified some interesting findings, for example:

You will find a range of research reports on mitigating climate change impacts under the categories below. You can also find more information on the Urban heat, Flood resilience and Green infrastructure pages.

Flood resilience

Understanding urban heat

Cooling with green infrastructure

Building resilience in ecosystems

Research application

The CRCWSC’s research to mitigate climate change impacts has been applied to a range of projects, for example:

Tools and guidelines

We have developed industry guidance to assist decision making regarding climate change impacts, for example:


Infographic 1

Analysis procedure used to incorporate flood resilience in WSUD (Gersonius et al., 2016. Flood resilience in water sensitive cities: Guidance for enhancing flood resilience in the context of an Australian water sensitive city. Melbourne, Australia: CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, p. 38.)

Infographic 2

Urban form typologies (Marrickville) (CRCWSC, undated, Ideas for a Water Sensitive Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor Melbourne, Australia: CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, p. 10.)

Infographic 3

The ‘4RAP’ model of available strategies to enhance flood resilience (Gersonius et al., 2016. Flood resilience in water sensitive cities: Guidance for enhancing flood resilience in the context of an Australian water sensitive city. Melbourne, Australia: CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, p. 25.)

Infographic 4

The ‘4 Domains’ Approach (4DA) (Gersonius  et al., 2016. Flood resilience in water sensitive cities: Guidance for enhancing flood resilience in the context of an Australian water sensitive city. Melbourne, Australia: CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, p. 33.)

Infographic 5

Key environmental components influencing human thermal comfort during the day (Coutts A and Tapper N, 2017. Trees for a cool city: Guidelines for optimised tree placement. Melbourne Australia: CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, p. 8.)